Sudarshan Pant

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

University College Dublin

Dublin, Ireland





  • Stress Analysis with Dimensions of Valence and Arousal in the Wild
    TD Tran, J Kim, NH Ho, HJ Yang, S Pant, SH Kim, G Lee.
    Applied Sciences 11.11 (2021), p. 5194. DOI: 10.3390/app11115194.

  • RASurv: Residual Attention-aware Method for Progression-free Survival of Alzheimer’s Disease
    NH Ho, HJ Yang, J Kim, DP Dao, S Pant
    The 5th International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing (BIC'21): Jeju Island, S. Korea, August 16-18, 2021.

  • Attention-based Image and Text Fusion for Deep Multimodal Classification in Disaster Analysis
    HD Le, HJ Yang, NH Ho, S Pant
    The 5th International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing (BIC'21): Jeju Island, S. Korea, August 16-18, 2021.

./2020 and Before

  • Obstacle Avoidance Method for UAVs using Polar Grid
    S Pant, S Lee
    Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, Society Vol. 23, No. 8, 2020

  • Polar Grid Representation for Obstacle Avoidance in UAVs.
    S Pant, S. Lee.
    2020 Spring Conference of Korean Multimedia Society (KMS'20) 2020

  • Design and Implementation of a CAN Data Analysis Test Bench based on Raspberry Pi
    S Pant, S Lee
    Journal of Multimedia Information Systems, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp.239-244, 2019

  • Design of A Readability-Enhanced Subtitle Generator
    S. Lee, S Pant , EJ Cho
    2019 Fall Conference of Korean Multimedia Society (KMS'19) 2019

  • Design and Implementation of A CAN Communication Response Time Analysis System based on Raspberry Pi.
    S Pant, S. Lee.
    2019 Fall Conference of Korean Multimedia Society (KMS'19) 2019

  • A study of the impact of the overlapping fraction on the number of communities.
    S Pant, S. Lee
    2019 Spring Conference of Korean Multimedia Society (KMS'19) 2019

  • A Fall Detection Technique using Features from Multiple Sliding Windows S Pant, J Kim, S Lee
    Smart Media Journal Vol.7 No.4 p. 79-89, 2018

  • Vanishing Point Detection using Reference Objects
    S. Lee, S Pant
    Journal of Korea Multimedia Society Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 300-309, 2018

  • Effect of window organization in supervised learning based fall detection
    S Pant, S. Lee
    2018 Conference of Korea Computer Congress (KCC'18), 2018

  • Study of Wearable Sensor based Fall Detection Systems
    S Pant, S. Lee
    2018 Spring Conference of Korean Multimedia Society (KMS'18) 2018

  • Design and Implementation of a Dashboard for Senior Falls Management
    S Pant, NY Kim, S. Lee
    2018 Fall Conference of Korean Multimedia Society (KMS'18) 2018

  • A Design for 3D object overlay on video using reference objects
    S Pant, S. Lee
    2017 Fall Conference of Korean Multimedia Society (KMS'17) 2017

  • A Design of a Big Data Platform for Tigers and Goats Game AI
    S Pant, S. Lee
    2017 Spring Conference of Korean Multimedia Society (KMS'17) 2017

  • User Behavior Analysis for Visual Music Notation
    S Pant, S Lee, HD Koh, TH Roh
    Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Applications(MITA), 2011

  • Content-based retrieval for a Korean Folk Music Database
    S Pant, S Lee, J Choi, S Jung, S Lee, S Yoon, Y Lee, HD Koh, Y Oh, HK Cho
    Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Databases(EDB), 2010

  • Evaluation of Data Gathering policy for Sensor-based Ship Blocks Assembling
    S. Lee, Jongsil Kim, S Pant
    Proceedings of International Conference on Convergence Content(ICCC), 2010

  • A Visual Notation for Music Representation
    S Lee, S Pant, J Choi, S Jung, S Lee, S Yoon, Y Lee, HD Koh, Y Oh, HK Cho
    Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Technology and Applications(MITA), 2010

©2024 Sudarshan Pant